Language Tools
- Display unicode character codes
- Convert string of Arabic presentation form characters into normal letters
- Convert string between Unicode Normlization Form C and D
Tools on other sites
- Perso Arabic-Indic Script Transliteration
- Search for Unicode characters
- Convert between different character formats
IT/Technical Tools
- Pre-Shared Key Generator with NATO Name Hints
- MAC Address Formatter: Display a MAC address in common formats
- MAC Address Vendor: Display MAC address vendor from input of list of addresses
- DHCP Unique ID interpreter: Convert DHCP Unique IDs to strings and vise versa
- IPv6 PTR Records Generator: Generate PTR records for IPv6
- See your IPv4 and IPv6 address: Display your IPv4 and IPv6 address simulateneously
- Sort a list of IPv4 addresses: Sort a list of IPv4 addresses
- CoA: Output FreeRADIUS2 clients.conf and proxy.conf to support CoA
- pingtime.cmd: CMD file for executing Windows pings with timestamps
- DNS SPF Record Enumerator
Web Design
- Show browser's current resolution - supports dynamic resizing
- CSS Color Decoder
Data Manipulation
- “Wash” text with non-ASCII quotes and spaces
- Break-out CSV data into multiple rows
- Line up column-values
- Convert C-Style if/else syntax to Excel
- Remove all non-numeric characters
- Convert Canada bank routing codes
- Convert DHCP Option 66 to Calix Cloud format
- Get timestamp in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format in shells and languages (good for use in logfiles)
Tools on other sites
- Cisco Tools and Resources
- WinPcap Installer / WinDump Installer / Npcap Download / WinDump for Npcap
Just for Fun
- Catchprase Timer: For people who love the super-old version of Catch Phrase, but they lost their timer or leaky batteries corroded the contacts!